What is User Experience ( UX ) Design ?

Kaustubh Mokashi
2 min readNov 5, 2020


Source : unsplash

If you have landed on this page after searching it on Google or any other search engine, I am sure you already have a opinion on the topic.

There is a Layman version of what a User Experience Designer (UX Designer) does. People think UX Designers create apps.

Now as a matter of fact, UX Designers do create apps. But that’s not exactly it.

source : Facebook

Then What is a User Experience Designer?

User Experience Designer, as the name suggests, designs experiences for the users of the product that he/she is designing, keeping in mind that the Accessibility, Usability and Inclusion guidelines are followed.

This is more or less the definition of it.

To explain in detail, let’s analyze a basic mug.

Source : Internet

Above are the two very common types of mugs that we use.

If you look at them with a User experience perspective, you’ll realize that the steel mug has its edge bent from top, whereas, the ceramic mug has no such bending.

Now if the edge is not bent on that of the steel mug, it will put a cut on your lips while you’re trying to drink from it.

This thought process that made the person creating this Mug to bend the edge on a steel mug and not on ceramic, is User Experience Design.

Same holds true for designing any product including apps and websites.

UX Designers for App / Websites.

When a UX Designer is working on an app/website, he/she has to make sure that the people using it are able to use the platform with ease.

To ensure this, they have to conduct an extensive research on the User Base that is going to be using the platform. To be able to design according to the target user base and not himself/herself, is what the goal of a user experience designer should be.

A User Experience Designer, although is a designer, but doesn’t typically design what you see, he/she designs what you FEEL about the product. And that is something that holds a lot of importance in today’s age of competitive market.



Kaustubh Mokashi

A Product Designer by profession, I have unpopular opinions on popular topics.